MIPYMES Summer Fair

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Concludes Third Edition of Summer MIPYMES Fair

With the participation of 11 international wholesalers from countries like Brazil, USA, Brazil and Argentina and more than fifty of Nicaraguan tourism entrepreneurs the third edition of the Summer of 2015 Mipyme was held in the Gallery Santo Domingo.

During the inauguration was attended by leaders of chambers of tourism as well as the CEO of INTUR, Mayra Salinas, Presidential Adviser Bayardo Arce and President of Cantur, Leonardo Torres.

Torres highlighted in the Summer Fair representation of all routes, routes and tourist attractions of the country, in order to exploit this platform for international promotion of Nicaragua, through 11 international wholesalers in the event. The Doctor Torres said 90 percent of tourism enterprises of Nicaragua correspond to MSMEs, indicating the importance of this sector in the development of the Nicaraguan tourism.

The fair also has government backing through INTUR, which is part of the public-private partnership, which has enabled the successful development of tourism Nicaraguan leader said CANATUR Doctor Leonardo Torres.

Meanwhile the Executive President of INTUR, Mayra Salinas, said through fairs like this, MSMEs can transcend what we have done so far for the international promotion of national tourist destinations.

In the opening ceremony Salinas Minister stressed the importance of support for international cooperation such as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Union, agencies that have accompanied the development of tourism in Nicaragua.

It also welcomed the presence at the fair of the main protagonists of this event as were the micro, small and medium tourism businesses and all employers in this sector work for the development of the Nicaraguan tourism and said that this fair in its third edition he has been positioned, growing and working on the issue of quality in conjunction with the public sector as part of public-private partnership.


Published by: INTUR
March 2nd, 2015
Source: www.intur.gob.ni


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