Inaugurated Airport at Ometepe Island

9:49:00 0 Comments

Air travel to Ometepe.

Managua -. Nicaragua 

Inaugurated international track landing on the island of Ometepe, an investment amounting to $ 12 million.

Ometepe, situated in the Great Lake or Cocibolca and unique in the world with two volcanoes in the middle of a freshwater lake and Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO tourist destination.

The airport has a runway 1,500 meters long and 30 wide, a control tower, and a central information office and a fire station.

This airport that can receive up to 42 small passenger aircraft.

Great news!!!, don't you think?


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google