Central American Surfing

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Nicaragua gets medals in the Central American Surfing Games

A gold medal, two silver, one bronze and five of Copper.

With 26 competitors representing the country, Nicaragua managed to capture a gold medal, two silver, one bronze and copper in five different categories of Central American Surfing Games held in Playa La Libertad in El Salvador, positioning of thus in the third place as a participant country.

"As a country we point accumulation third place, the waves were not in as good condition as we have in Nicaragua, (because in Nicaragua) have perfect waves by the beautiful lake we have, the wind hits it passes by facing the wave and forms a perfect rampla for us to develop surfing while there (El Salvador) the waves were small and the wind was not helping much, "said Dexter Ramirez, coach of all junior surfers from Nicaragua and president of the Association of Surfing San Juan del Sur.

The Granada Héctor Potoy, member of the National Team Remos, who recently ventured into the category Stand Up Paddleboard and to obtain the tenth place in the world organized by the International Surfing Association (ISA, for its acronym in English) in May past, bringing the country achieving the Gold Medal in the category.

"All these medals have helped us to get number three in Central America, so we wanted to deeply thank all the people who have supported us to continue in this sport. We deeply thank for supporting Daniel Ortega to attend all these events. "

Hector Potoy also thanked the support received from the government of Daniel Ortega Saavedra to participate in this Central American sporting event, support is expected to continue providing global surf that will be soon in Mexico.

Published by: El 19
December 16th, 2014
Source: www.el19digital.com


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