Increase of Tourists to Nicaragua

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Increases arrival of tourists to Nicaragua as well as the uptake currency

The arrival in Nicaragua of a million 329, 666 tourists during 2014 allowed capture 445 million $ 400,000, being both record numbers, the Executive President of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), companion Mayra Salinas reported during the inauguration of the third annual summer fair MSMEs, held in Santo Domingo Gallery.

That amount in tourist arrivals an increase of 8. 2 percent and in the case of foreign exchange earnings was 6.8 percentage increase, exceeding the goals set at the beginning of 2014, Salinas said the minister.

He also highlighted that for the first time in Nicaragua in we, in terms of nationality that Americans have been the largest number of tourists visiting various destinations, followed by Hondurans visitors.

This means that we are having positive results in positioning the work INTUR done in the US market. Recall Salinas explained the minister, that American tourists are the biggest spenders in Nicaragua, adding that as assuring an increase tourist arrivals from the United States beat the average expenditure, the contribution of income and Nicaragua contribution tourism makes to reducing poverty.

The term accommodation was achieved increased the number of rooms, closing 2014 with thirteen thousand 242 rooms and 22 000 295 beds, product investments made by the private sector grows in hosting capabilities welcomed tourists international.


Published by: INTUR
March 4th, 2015


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