Matagalpan Cultural Zarfarrancho

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INTUR performs Cultural Zarfarrancho at The 153th Anniversary in Matagalpa

Thousands of Matagalpa enjoyed the Cultural Zafarrancho made by the delegation of the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute (INTUR) in Matagalpa on the main streets of the Pearl of the North, with the participation of hundreds of youth and children of all municipalities in the department.

The Cultural Zafarrancho was conducted within the framework of the commemorative private activities PUBLIC-running the Municipal Alcandía of Matagalpa to mark the 153 anniversary of the Pearl of the North was raised by national authorities to city status.

Dozens of groups of dances, parades, bands and dance schools showed their finery in this cultural rumpus. The residents of this provincial capital overflowed to see go through their homes or businesses to youth, adolescents and children of all these groups with energy and pace to the delight of Matagalpa and national and foreign tourists who took countless number of photos of the event .

The rumpus concluded against Morazán Park, where each of the groups gave a brief presentation, who were applauded by the people who gathered to watch the final presentation of their skills various dances and musical instruments they played.

The directors of the participating groups received from the delegate of INTUR-Matagalpa, companion yohaira Hernandez, a certificate of recognition for their participation in this event.

By submitting recognition companion Chirinos yohaira Hernández highlighted the presence of Matagalpa youth in this event that promotes the dance and music and culture department.

It also indicated that this celebration is part of the right of Nicaraguans to healthy family recreation and promoted by President Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

February 25th, 2015


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google