Diria Lent Competition

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INTUR starts 2015 Lent Department Competitions of meals in Diria .

Thirteen exponents in cooking traditional meals Nicaraguan municipalities Diriá, Diriomo, Nandaime and Granada, competed in the IV Contest Lenten Meals Granada department performing the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) in order to restore and promote the culinary traditions throughout the country.

For the department of Granada was the winner Mr. Eddy Vargas who prepared a delicious albino fish. The second place went to young Nayrovi Reyes, with a delicious cheese soup and thirdly it corresponded to Mrs. Yadira Flores, all Diriá Township, on the lookout known as El Boquete.

Eddy Vargas Granada represent the department at the National Contest of Lent, to be held in the Paseo Xolotlán, on 21 March. Vargas scored seven thousand cords, as a prize for first place in the department of Granada.

Young Nayrovi Reyes who took second place, said he is confident that these competitions conducted by the government, through INTUR stay because they preserve the Nicaraguan culture through Lenten meals, which are part of our centuries-old traditions of our people.

The delegate of INTUR in the department of Granada, Maria Victoria Martínez, said that in this sixth edition of departmental competitions Lent realize it was decided to promote the city as a tourist destination Diriá, especially the lookout El Boquete, which has a spectacular panoramic view of Lake Apoyo.

February 23rd, 2015
Source: www.intur.gob.ni


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