International Bird Festival

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First International Bird Festival Concluded

After three days of conferences, exchanges of experiences, tours bird watching among other initiatives are aimed at promoting sustainable rural and community tourism in Granada ended the First International Festival of Birds.

The meeting was attended Nicaraguan specialists, Americans, Canadians and other Central American nations who shared knowledge and discussed issues such as the development of environmental education programs and the effects of climate change on birds.

The First International Festival of birds Cocibolca conducted by the Foundation with the support of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) MARENA and also during the event included keynote lectures and observation tours of some species.

Data provider by the President of the Cocibolca Foundation, Mr. Raul Lacayo in Nicaragua there are 760 species of which 250 nest in Granada. Of these 250, one hundred birds are migratory.

In December, in Nicaragua and other Central American region with an impressive show migrating south of birds from United States, Canada and Mexico.


Published by: INTUR
November 10th, 2014


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