27th Anniversary of Autonomy

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INTUR on the Caribbean Coast promotes activities in salute to the 27th Anniversary of Autonomy

From 19 to 30 October the Regional Councils of the Caribbean Coast in coordination with the Secretary of Culture, the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, the INC and government delegations held various activities to commemorate the anniversary of the XXVII Autonomy in the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua .

In Bluefields, Region Autonoma del Caribe Sur a league Municipal Autonomy of knowledge with students from various high schools which included a discussion among students, leaders Autonomy and Authority, with the aim of including youth on the topic was conducted Autonomy. Activities commemorating the Twenty-Seventh Anniversary of Independence in the South Caribbean included a food fair where different sandwiches ethnic groups of the Caribbean coast, crafts and cultural dances ofertron.

Pearl Lagoon, Orinoco, Karawala, Kay Branch, La Cruz de Rio Grande, El Tortuguero, Corn Island, Little Corn Island and Bluefields: the Miss Autonomy involving communities was also conducted. During this event there was presentation of cultural groups and soloists. She was crowned Miss Independence 2014, the representation of Little Corn Island.

Similar activities were conducted in Bilwi and Corn Island that included craft shows, parades and cultural activities were a waste of dance art of native peoples.

Commemorative activities Autonomy concluded with a target and a march where students and rhythmic bands participated.


Published by: INTUR
November 6th, 2014


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