Cinematographic Projects in Nicaragua

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Develop human capital in cultural tourism, national archives and film projects

The Embassy of Spain in coordination with the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (Intur) and the National Film Archive from Monday has initiated several workshops on sustainable cultural tourism, national archives and film projects.

The workshops are taught by the Cultural Center of Spain in Nicaragua (NECC) and are aimed to help develop human capital Nicaraguan able to promote different aspects of national culture.

Ambassador of Spain in Nicaragua, Rafael Garranzo Garcia recalled that training, expertise and training in the field of culture is one of the most important pillars of the Spanish Cooperation.

"The culture has an impact on the development of a country," he said.

The workshops are taught: Design and Project Management for Sustainable Cultural Tourism, to be held from 3 to 7 November; General Archives Workshop, 10 to 14 November; and Development Workshop Ibermedia Film Projects in Central America and the Caribbean, to be held from 18 to 27 November in collaboration with the National Film Archive.

The diplomat said that there is a willingness of the Spanish Cooperation to follow along at the Cinematheque Intur and exploring more avenues of dialogue and cooperation.

The owner of Intur, Mayra Salinas said that this is a great opportunity to join forces and continue working for the cultural sustainability of Nicaragua.

"Culture is identity, culture distinguishes us, makes us unique culture, makes us unique and original in the world. Each village has its own cultural richness that is that we can also say is synonymous with sovereignty, because it really as far as a people kept alive, effective, sustainable culture too so that wealth grows and can maintain this heritage and this flow to future generations, "said the owner of Intur.

Meanwhile the Co-Director of the National Film, Idania Castillo stressed that the workshop taught Ibermedia to be a great contribution to the development and academic training of local filmmakers.

"The Third Workshop Development Ibermedia Film Project will be a great contribution to the development of academic and training expertise of our filmmakers," said Castillo. In this regard, he stressed that the objective of the workshop is to enhance the cinematic products of Nicaragua, which will be very important in the search for the country to excel in this art.

When approached about these workshops, cultural tourism expert, Jordi Tresserras said that Nicaragua has a huge potential in this area, because despite being a small country has "a mosaic of cultures." "Oil in Nicaragua can be just that: cultural diversity," said Tresserras.

Published by: INTUR
November 5th, 2014


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