Ometepe Biosphere Reserve

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Ometepe Host World Tourism Day and declaration of Biosphere Reserve.

About five thousand people, including domestic and foreign tourists as well as residents of Moyogalpa and Altagracia, visited the Expo Ometepe fair on the fourth anniversary of the Island of Ometepe was declared a Biosphere Reserve and INTUR hits for the fifth time in supported by the two municipalities and the MARENA. Ometepe Expo also hosted the Celebration of World Tourism Day. 

On Ometepe Expo exhibitors participated including 90 branches artisans leather, footwear, textile apparel, handicrafts, made of various materials such as clay, wood and jewelry. 

Holding Ometepe Expo and World Tourism Day was part of the realization of Nicaragua Mía campaign promoted by the government of President Daniel Ortega, during which, the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute has performed more than 350 cultural recreational activities, tourism and hiking companion said Ruiz Janice Watson, Executive Vice President of INTUR. He remembered holding the Expo- Ometepe is from 2010 because the island is also Natural Heritage of the Nation. 

The exhibitors at the Expo Ometepe said they were grateful for this projection that allows the government to offer and publicize each of their products. At the fair said they were satisfied artisans who sold their products and some of them also received orders for tourists interested them their products. 

The fair was attended by bands of Rivas and Ometepe and entertainment activities with clown Shorty and musical groups such as Nicoya and Rockonola who danced attendees to this fifth edition of the Expo Ometepe. 

As part of this celebration keynote speeches of topics related to the environment and about the plans of tourism development and the mayors of Moyogalpa Altagracia were performed. 

On the second day of the Expo Ometepe beach Taguizapa Kayak competition, where prizes were awarded in the men with five thousand Cordobas the first two thousand for second place was performed. 

In the women's category cordobas 3000 first place prize was delivered. In this event 40 young people many of whom were students at UCA, BICU, UPOLI and UCC, who attended the Expo Ometepe participated. 

Holding were led by comrade Janice Watson Ruiz, Executive Vice President of INTUR, the mayor of Altagracia, Orlando Meza, the WTO representative in Nicaragua Somarriba Ana Carolina and Mexico's ambassador to Nicaragua Juan Rodrigo Labardini. 


Published by: INTUR
September 30th, 2014


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