Tourist Arrival Increases

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The rates of tourist arrivals in Nicaragua continue to grow at a press conference informed the companion Mayra Salinas, CEO of INTUR. In the first six months of 2014, tourist arrivals increased by 7.1 percent over the same period last year, a percentage that represents the arrival of 650,000 people, unlike in 2013 when in that period they entered the country 607 000 155 tourists. 

The increase in tourist arrivals to the country also increased foreign exchange earnings which increased between January and June of this year by 10.3 percent compared to the same six months last year. This means that foreign exchange earnings increased from 197 million and a half dollars to 218 million this year, according to the Salinas companion. 

Salinas Minister estimated that by the end of this year the number of tourist arrival to Nicaragua will be one million 310 thousand tourists and foreign exchange earnings of $ 440 million. 

He explained that although earthquakes Easter the flow of tourist arrivals remained increasingly, stating that from January to June tourist arrivals remained above one hundred thousand each. 

The data is offered Salinas partner for the launch of the campaign Nicaragua Mía, whose purpose is to promote the tourist destinations during September of Nicaragua both nationally and internationally. 


Published by: INTUR
August 27th, 2014


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