Nicaragua Mia

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Government launches promotional campaign to encourage Mia Nicaragua Tourism

Good governance Commander Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo began, to the accompaniment of the mayors of Citizen Power, Chambers of Tourism and its members, a campaign of national and international promotion, called "Nicaragua Mía," with which visiting the various tourist destinations our country has to be promoted, the companion Mayra Salinas, CEO of INTUR reported. 
Nicaragua Mia is further directed to a campaign Nicaraguans living abroad about all residing in the Central American countries and some American cities as Miami and Los Angeles, said the Salinas companion. 
The campaign is carried out to take advantage of the celebrations of national holidays, which this time will be extended for a long weekend and will be maintained during the four weekends of September, including the last weekend of August. 
With the campaign Nicaragua Míael Government of Reconciliation and National Unity through INTUR aims to strengthen the economic dynamics with increased activity of the various tourist businesses in the country said the minister Salinas. 
To this end it has established a public-private partnership in which some institutions and public entities as INTUR and hotels, restaurants, tour operators and carriers adding effort to make this campaign a success Nicaragua Mía are included. 
In total recorded in all municipalities and departments of Nicaragua 320 religious tourism, recreational entertainment, and excursions which are detailed in the tourist INTUR billboard that people can find in each of the resorts with account Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism of Nicaragua all borders and in some hotels and entertainment center. 
CANTUR leaders and CANATUR, Leonardo Torres and Lucy Valenti rated this excellent promotional campaign promoted by the government of President Daniel Ortega and expressed their willingness to join this initiative will only bring benefits to tourism enterprises at all levels sector. 
Meanwhile the mayors of León, Granada and Masaya, Roger Gurdián Vigil, Julia Mena and Orlando Noguera, respectively highlighted all activities and destinations to have each of these departments, such as Cerro Black beaches and volcano Poneloya and Penitas. 
The invitation is made ​​to all Nicaraguans and foreign tourists visit in September the variety of destinations that Nicaragua has a child, yours and ours as Ometepe, Tola, San Juan del Sur, Corn Island, Granada, León and, rural initiatives and private wildlife reserves that are located in the departments of Matagalpa, Estelí and Jinotega. 


Published by: INTUR
August 27th, 2014


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