Serenatas in Granada

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Serenata Nights bring Taste and Rhythm to Granadinos

Framed in Nicaragua Mía Campaign 2014, inviting domestic and foreign tourists to visit and enjoy our natural, historical and cultural beauties, the delegation of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) Granada, has held its Night Serenade, with a constellation of popular artists of the four municipalities of the department. 

Over 700 people from national, international and settlers tourists congregated in the street Calzada, for they enjoyed the cultural evening with the best artistic expressions of Diria, Diriomo, Nandaime and Granada who played the Little Devils, the Dance of blacks, vulture, the Grenadian fachento among others. 

With the outpouring of national music and dance, Gran Sultana dressed in folklore, to honor and salute the month of Homeland where the closure was given by singer Juan Solorzano, who ended his participation interpreting the better of his songs. 

The delegate INTUR in Granada, companion Maria Victoria Martinez, said "Serenata Grenadines Nights" is part of the Campaign Nicaragua Mía and in the month of Homeland other activities are also planned including trips, fairs and cultural activities -turísticas. He also thanked Tourism cabinets 4 yal municipalities @ s responsible for each art group by fully devote himself in these tourist activities promoted by the good government of President Daniel Ortega and Murillo Companion. 


Published by: INTUR

September 8th, 2014


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google