Fishing Tournament Nicaragua

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San Juan River ready to host the 54th Edition of ''The International Fishing Tournament''

With the support of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), private enterprise and the Mayor of San Carlos Citizen Power will be held from 12 to 15 September, the 54th International Fishing Tournament Rio San Juan that takes place each year within the framework of national holidays and this time as part of the activities of the Campaign Nicaragua Mía, promoted by the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity, reported press conference of members of the organizing committee. 

As part of this fishing tournament a gastronomic and craft fair will begin on Friday 12 and end on Monday, September 15 will also be held, the Mayor of San Carlos, mate Johnny Gutierrez said. 

The Organizing Committee estimates that about a hundred domestic and foreign fishermen participate in this edition, you may fish for tarpon, snook, croaker, crushed and marsh. 

By private enterprise, Ivan Solorzano, vice president of the organizing committee, explained that the fifty-fourth edition will be the last tournament was the tarpon fish, because from the year, this species will be trapped and immediately released. This year will only be allowed to fish up to two shad per boat, as a way to preserve this species, Solorzano said. 

While responsible Promotion and Marketing INTUR mate Felix Sanchez said that this national holidays, between 12 and 15 September is ripe for Nicaraguan families, as well as domestic and foreign tourists visit San Juan River. The official said that as part of the attractions of this 54th fishing tournament cultural presentations by national and local artists will be held, as well as the parade of students on September 14 and the presentation of extras both Managua and municipalities department of Rio San Juan. 

The mayor of San Carlos, Johnny Gutierrez engineer, recalled that the road to Rio San Juan is in very good condition, and there are plenty of hotels and lodges to stay in San Carlos, San Miguelito, Chad and Castle, emphasizing public safety and as the natural beauties that are seen along the river which now also has another attraction as is the Santa Fe bridge that was built with funds from the government and people of Japan, from which you can see the fishing tournament and have a better view of the Rio San Juan. 


Published by: INTUR
September 8th, 2014


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