Experience Sharing Tour

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INTUR Somoto toured exchange experiences and excursionies to promote domestic tourism.

The delegation of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) in the department of Madriz in coordination with the Municipality and the Tourism office of Citizen Power, with support from the Coffee Route toured exchange experiences and hiking the municipality San Ramon. 

Participated in the exchange known Tapascalí Cultural Group who for the exchange of experiences with the Municipal Council of San Ramon sang several songs and testimonials toured the facilities of the Municipality. 

The exchange and hiking tour included a meeting with the Indian Community Trentino, where indigenous leaders presented their origins and ancestral heritage also jump Santa Emilia, located in the municipality of La Dalia Tuma. 

In order to promote the tourism, ecological, historical and adventure, riches INTUR Madriz also toured hiking adventure in the natural and Pataste Tepesomoto, crossing paths in the municipality of Las Sabana. 

Under the slogan "Love Mother Earth" the delegation of INTUR-Madriz supported by the Coffee Route coordinated this hiking tour with students from Instituto de Somoto, Juventud Sandinista 19 July, the Office of Tourism, movement Guardabarranco and young environmentalists. 

The tour left the town to the town of Somoto Savannas World Relief toured the farm in the mountains of Montagua Wadding and finishing in the community in Pataste Castillito municipality The Sheets cultural exchange. 

The Natural Reserve The Chayote has a hill that offers visitors a panoramic view of the area is at a maximum height of 700 thousand meters above sea level and features a lush forest. 

This nature reserve offers domestic and foreign tourists many attractions including pre-Columbian archaeological sites, jungle forests neblí different species of orchids and a variety of silver and wildlife. 


Published by: INTUR
September 1st, 2014


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google