Tourism in Barbados

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INTUR in the XXII Interamerican Congress of Ministers and High Authorities of Tourism in Barbados.

With theme "Tourism Competitiveness: An essential component of sustainability" is celebrated on 3 and 4 September, the XXII Interamerican Congress of Ministers and High Authorities of Tourism, in Bridgetown, Barbados. 

The delegation of Nicaraguan Tourism Institute INTUR, the head of the executive vice president, partner and Janice Ruiz Director of External Cooperation INTUR, BA Karina Ramirez. 

The main topic of discussion will be the competitiveness and sustainability in tourism, why be proposed in the "Declaration of Barbados" that participants commit to ensuring that the competitiveness and sustainability continue to be central to the development of tourism sector region. 

Richard Sealy, Barbados Minister of Tourism and José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the OAS signed a memorandum of understanding on this forum to agree that the theme chosen is according to the development of the tourist industry where countries offer variety of destinations and quality thereof. 

The Sealy Minister felt that tourism besides being an economic activity that creates jobs, contributes to community development, cultural preservation, environmental sustainability and social inclusion. 

At Twenty-Second Inter-American Travel Congress attended by ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean. This regional tourism forum was established in 1939 and is the principal hemispheric forum for dialogue and policy development in this sector. The same was conceived to promote the sustainable development of the so-called smokeless industry in the Americas, and to address issues that facilitate the development of inter-American cooperation in tourism. 


Published by: INTUR
September 2nd, 2014


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