Nicaragua Mia Leon

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Campaign Leon Nicaragua Mia offers a variety of Tourist Sites to discover

As part of the Campaign Nicaragua Mía the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism in coordination with the Mayor's Office of Citizen Power León, Chambers of Tourism and tourism entrepreneurs are offering a variety of tourist destinations, history, culture, architecture, adventure and rural tourism in University city and its municipalities. 

The tour operators León department have organized tours and travel packages in the Colonial Route and accessible to domestic and foreign tourists and Volcanoes in León in 1810 became the first separatist rebellion in the Spanish crown. 

Also in León, 1821 were the bells of the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of León, Heritage announced that Nicaragua's independence and place where the remains of the Independence Prócer Miguel Larreynaga. 

In the Colonial and Volcano Road, domestic and foreign tourists can explore the Baroque Colonial architecture of over 17 churches including the Church's Mereced which has a new atrium and remodeling churches Collection, Sutiaba, The Calvary, Guadalupe and Laborío among others. 

This tourist route funded by the European Union through the Cooperation of Luxembourg and with the support of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity presiding Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo Companion also offer visitors the pile hole where volcanic complex Black hill is the volcano and an interpretation center in the coming days and a canopy that will stack skirts volcano toward the black hole offering a series of hill stations for visitors to enjoy the panorama will open, take advantage of the trails and conclude their adventure in Sambording practicing black hill. 

The wide range of tourist Lion includes tourism of sun and beach, community, ecological and sustainable tourism as Leon is among the resorts of Las Penitas and Salinas Large Reserve Isla Juan Venado where visitors can learn about the Biological cycles of the olive ridley turtle and share with the coastal and rural communities. 


Published by: INTUR
August 29th, 2014


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