Third ''Rosquilla Festival'' Organized by Somoto

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In order to promote the municipalities of Somoto and Yalagüina as tourist destinations, and to increase the sale of the donut of both municipalities, will be held on August 15, the Third Festival of Somoto donuts, with the backing of municipalities , the group of entrepreneurs Gerson RL and the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism through the delegation Decomo INTUR in this department. 

The festival will begin with a donut Somoto colorful parade of floats alluding to the representative of both donut shops as Yalagüina Somoto work. 

The fair will continue in the central park of Somoto the expo selling donuts, followed by a colorful cultural magazine, with the best and most representative of the dances and songs of the north of our country as polkas and mazurkas, with groups of both municipalities . 

The delegation INTUR in Madriz maintains the third consecutive year supporting fair donut ransom, tradition, promotion and knowledge of our Nicaraguan gastronomy. 


Published by: INTUR
August 7th, 2014


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