Bird's Festival

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Public-Private Sector prepares First International Festival of Nicaraguan Birds

The Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) through the Colonial Route and Volcano funded by the European Union and the Cocibolca Foundation with support from the Agency for Development Cooperation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Lux Dev.) Prepare the 7 to 9 November 2014, the First International Festival of Nicaraguan birds to be held in the city of Granada. 

The First International Festival of birds is carried out with the aim of promoting tourism in the rural communities of the country, the bird conservation culture and position the colonial city of Granada and Nicaragua as a destination of great potential for the birdwatchers. Birdwatching or birding, is a branch of tourism that is carried out especially in rural areas and is one of the tendencies of nature tourism that is gaining momentum in the country. 

The First Bird Festival takes place in Granada, because the Gran Sultana is characterized by its history, culture and great natural wealth. 

In the department of Granada there are four large protected areas with high biodiversity potential are the Laguna de Apoyo Nature Reserve, Mombacho Volcano, Lagunas de Mecatepe and Zapatera Archipelago National Park. 

In these natural reserves diverse aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, such as wetlands, hot springs, tropical dry forest lagoon systems, cloud forest, gallery forest among others, which creates a great opportunity for the 250 species of birds identified in this area are located. 


Published by: INTUR
August 8th, 2014


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