No sexual exploitation

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INTUR and National Police, against commercial sexual exploitation in children and adolescents.

In order to raise awareness among employers who work in the tourism sector in the adoption of codes of conduct to prevent the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute (INTUR) in coordination with the Police Woman , children and adolescents in the National Police gave two workshops training Masaya Since Border Hands Madriz department, in the Autonomous Region of the Northern Caribbean and León, among other municipalities. 

The heads of police stations for women in those municipalities exposed to the workshop various forms of crime act in the tourism sector, its detection and preventive measures taken by the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity to prevent this scourge. 

Only in Las Manos border post, 25 people including officials Adunas, Immigration tourists and businessmen participated in the workshop of prevention of commercial sexual exploitation in Children and Adolescents. 


Published by: INTUR
August 11th, 2014


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