200,000 Euros Investment

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The tourist infrastructure Cosigüina Volcano Natural Reserve and Protected Area Estero Padre Ramos, will be substantially improved with the support of 200,000 euros from the European Union and the Central Government.

The aim is to provide better conditions for both tourist places located in, in the town of Chinandega El Viejo.

The project will be executed by the Nicaraguan Network Community, Renicc, and Friends of the Earth, Spain, in coordination with the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute, Intur, and the Agency for Development Cooperation, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in the context of project grants "Colonial Route and Volcanoes".

Arturo Aguirre, technical manager by Renicc said contemplating signal, creating small tourism enterprises, training tour guides, improve trails in the Natural Reserve Cosigüina Volcano, and strengthen collaborative management committees.

They also built a gazebo on top of Cosigüina called "The look of the three countries: El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua."

For the protected area of ​​Estero Padre Ramos, think provide boats with fiberglass concheras to women, who, rowing, conducted tours to tourists.

Meanwhile Guillermo Rodriguez, Friends of the Earth, said that will create a tourist circuit and in Padre Ramos Cosigüina, "so tourists can enjoy an unforgettable experience in these near the Gulf of Fonseca places."

Yascara Bonilla, a member of the cooperative, "Fe y Esperanza" said he hopes to improve their income with this project.

Meanwhile, Nestor Alvarez, fisherfolk cooperative Sawyers said that offer tourists the opportunity to fish in the floating cage spotted rose snapper, and even the ability to cook your catch.

300 TOURISTS visiting beaches Aserradores month and stay in small hotels.

PROJECT 6 of the 19 that make up the Route of the Volcanoes are in the department of Chinandega.

Taken from: The New Diario.com.ni


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