Mother's day

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In Nicaragua each May 30th, marks the national mother's day, a tradition that has been celebrated since 1940 , according to historians. Sites airs on May 10. Truly, it is a recognition of the origin of human beings who come from the womb and life only player made ​​between a man and a woman by the union of male sperm and the female egg . There is another natural way of human reproduction . It is known in vitro reproduction but eventually this new being born from the womb . This day is to thank the female being that had the patience to take into your being and of forming life for which we are blessed to have mum and dad yet.

In Nicaragua the majority dominates the date of Mother's Day instituted the government of Anastasio Somoza Garcia in honor of the birthday of her mother , an allegedly occurred May 30.

However, the Academy of Geography and History of Nicaragua , said that the data is false because " Casimira Sacasa ( Somoza mother ) was not born on May 30 , but the January 18, 1872 and died on June 28 , 1953. therefore Somoza Garcia could not pay tribute to his mother one day of his birth , as it was not may 30 . "

The academy also specifies that " the exact date of the official launch on 30 May as Mother's Day in Nicaragua , was established on July 5, 1940 ," based on a publication of the Official Journal , La Gaceta n . 148 , Decree 69 of 22 May of the same year .

Subsequently amended twice the day of the mother was passed in 1977 to celebrate the last Sunday of May in 1980 and restored it to its original date May 30. Since then there has been reported no change, detailing experts.


To celebrate Mother's Day in various locations and special events are organized in the workplace are works until noon or be granted the day. For its part, the Government stated its employees day off with pay on the occasion to date.


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