Elimination of visa to the U.S.

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The process of removing visa to the United States could take place between three and six years, less than the eleven years that it took to reach that goal while Chile, considered the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur).
Canatur President Jorge Jochamowitz explained that Peru is working on adapting biometric passports and improve immigration controls, following the Schengen visa exemption , to which the recent announcement by U.S. President Barack Obama adds facilitate flow of visitors to their country.

"Right now President Obama has indicated two Secretaries of State , Homeland Security and Commerce , they have to facilitate the processes of entry of tourists to the United States , because this will be one of the important elements to exit the economic process which is the country, " he said.

In this regard, said that right now U.S. consulates will have established rules to comply with the Visa Waiver Program ( Visa Waiver ) , among which include the minimization of three percent the number of visa applications rejected, the biometric passport adapt and improve information flow and migration controls of both countries.

"Apparently most of these points, which are negotiated between governments , are going to be giving , because there the interest of both countries," he said.

In addition , there must be adequate infrastructure in immigration control at all border posts, edge technological systems , and comply with all bilateral agreements , he said.

"Right now , everything remains unchanged. But if the Secretary of State for National Security change the Migration Act , as President Obama has requested , will be in our favor . Steps would be reduced or flexible regulations having to eliminate visa. It is a possibility, which may occur by indicating what is President Obama , "he said .


Jochamowitz announced that a working group composed of representatives of the recently formed Canatur the Visit USA Committee and the U.S. Consulate , which will add on, the Commercial Service of the U.S. Embassy in Lima, in order to analyze the process that seeks to eliminate tourist visas to the United States.

Revealed that the parties have agreed to hold a series of meetings in order to exchange information relating to the issue and disseminate details of the process of elimination of visa in a responsible manner so as not to create false expectations .

"Will also seek to educate travelers to Peruvians behavior when requesting a visa to the United States increasingly serious and reduce the number of applications rejected," he said.

Among the requirements of United States determined to include the Visa Waiver Program country ( visa waiver ) figure reduced to at least three percent the number of applications rejected.
Currently in Peru , total rejected requests reaches 16 percent.

Finally, the union leader said that the group referred to undertake its work in parallel with the consultations and negotiations have begun Peru and the United States bilaterally.

"Our job is to disseminate the best information on the tourism sector, because 60 percent of those who apply for visa to the United States advising through travel agencies, while 40 percent go on your own. Also, our resulting information to the general public, " he said.


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