Wiwili Natural Beauty

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A vacation trip to Wiwili by David Anzoategui Hoppintong

Wiwilí is a municipality in the department of Jinotega, in the Republic of Nicaragua.

The municipality has the climate of tropical savannah high, with an annual rainfall of between 1,200 and 2,000 mm, annual temperature varies between 24º and 25º C. The rainy season lasts about eight months, from May to December and season dry season from January to April.

To get to Wiwili, one must take the road That comes from Santa Maria de Bloodsucker, Which Also passes by the community of Asturias, goes parallel to Lake Apanas and starts (or ends, Depending on your direction) in the Jinotega - San Rafael del North highway 10 kilometers after leaving the city of Jinotega. After passing the urban center of Wiwilí, the road Continues and Takes You to the town of Wanblán. From there, You have to take a boat down the Coco River in order to get to the Miskito Communities of North Nicaragua. That there are buses connect Wiwili With Jinotega, Which is 105 kilometers away.

History of Wiwili

The large, mountainous and sparsely populated municipality of Wiwili is crossed by several major rivers, like the Coco River (also named Wangki), where its capitol is also located. The majority of inhabitants of its center and southern area are mostly mestizos, while the ones living in the northern part are miskito communities.
Wiwili Central Park

Where you can spend time to relax, and also to know more about its Hisotry and Likes in the area.

People use to take a walk in the afternoon in order to enjoy a while in peace.

Just two hours from downtown Wiwili, you can find The Chachagua Mountain, which has a spectacular sunset view for local and external visitors.

Photos by: David Anzoategui Hoppintong
May 5th, 2015


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