Reaching Rio Coco

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San Juan de Rio Coco is a municipality in the department of Madriz, in the Republic of Nicaragua.

During the 1980s the area remained protected from indiscriminate logging, due to the lack of roads, the factor that most influenced the conservation of this sub was military activity in the early 80s, which prevented farming and logging. When you start the peace process in the area on despales of the few forests to protect watersheds increased, which has resulted in siltation of riverbeds and streams, increased run-off from land sealing, causing the rare overflow water masses suddenly flooding to villages.

The road to San Juan de Rio Coco, is a bit complex, because of its variety of climate, dry and wet at the same time. In winter, a little more difficult access, not to mention the five-hour trip without vehicular traffic.

It is an interesting trip for you to take, no doubts about it.

There are a total of 7 communities grouped in two microregions:

San Juan de Rio Coco: Town center, Clouds, La Dalia, cracks.

The Ojoche: Las Brisas, S. Ant Clouds, Las Vegas.

Photos by: David Anzoategui Hoppington
May 5th, 2015


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