Matagalpa Polkas Festival

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INTUR Matagalpa organizes promotional activities in Nicaragua campaign in December

Festival Polkas, Mazurkas and Jamaquellos, Banana Festival and Competition Department of Traditional Foods of the Christmas season and the First Festival of Flowers and other promotional activities that take place in the months of November and December, the delegation of the Institute Nicaraguan Tourism (IN TUR) in Matagalpa to contribute to the preservation and rescue of the northern culture. 

The delegate INTUR in that department, companion Johaira Chirinos Hernandez explained that the festival polkas, mazurkas and jamaquellos will be held in the Dario Park, the Pearl of septentrión on 15 November and involved him dance groups and music departments of Estelí, Jinotega and Matagalpa. 

Alongside the festival polkas, mazurkas and jamaquellos an expo selling handicrafts made ​​in Matagalpa and a food fair with products made from corn and products grown in this department will develop products, Hernandez said Chirinos companion. 

Also on November 21 INTUR delegation in Matagalpa banana festival held in the town of San Ramon, Matagalpa. One goal of the festival is the development of banana-based food product and to promote consumption and boost the economy of this town and nearby villages. In the afternoon on 21 November in San Ramon, departmental competition typical Christmas meals Matagalpa is performed. 

In the month of December with the support of INTUR and mayor of Matagalpa will be held at the Dario Park, the Pearl of the North, the first flower festival, an initiative of the people of the book El Arenal. This festival will be held under the theme "Producing in harmony with nature," said the delegate yohaira Hernandez. The flower festival involving coffee growers, vegetable and herbal medicine as well as those engaged in tourism business through agro tourist farms are expected. 


Published by: INTUR
October 30th, 2014


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