Investment to Nicaragua

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Somoto Canyon Attracts Investors

One of the oldest rock formations in Central America, and very attractive, is located a few kilometers from the departmental capital of Madriz. Somoto Canyon is a place where tourism entrepreneurs are investing.

Leonardo Torres, president of the Nicaraguan Chamber of Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises, Cantur, recalled that in place are making investments to secure accommodation for tourists.

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"We are supporting as Cantur; there are horses, motorbikes and quads to go to the canyon. We're trying to take other initiatives, because there is little supply in the Somoto Canyon, "said Torres.


In this area, a decade ago by Czech geologists discovered, do nature and adventure tourism. Here the Coco or Wanki River, the longest and mightiest country born.

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"Near the canyon have some cabins and it shows that there influx of tourists to the point that -both domestic investors as extranjeros-- are starting to develop that area," said Silvia Levy, president of the National Chamber of Tourism of Nicaragua, Canatur.

To visit the site, only the adventurous spirit is needed, as there are several turoperadoras working with a group of local guides who accompany tourists on their way, under strict security measures.

Published by: El Nuevo Diario
November 24th, 2014


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