Happy World Tourism Day

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Logo del 2014
2014 "Tourism and Community Development." 

The World Tourism Day (WTD) this year pays special attention to the contribution of tourism to one of the fundamental pillars for a more sustainable future for all: community development. This interest is in line with the global transition to Sustainable Development Goals which the United Nations promotes the principles to follow after 2015. 

Tourism, which accounts for 9% of global GDP, one in every 11 jobs in the world and is a key sector for income generation in emerging and developing economies, is widely recognized for its ability to respond to global challenges. The consolidation of the economic impact of tourism has increased its social responsibility and its political relevance, and more and more countries give greater weight to tourism in economic planning and development policies. 

With the focus on the community, the DMT 2014 emphasizes how tourism can encourage and promote sustainable development at the community level. The community-based tourism involving local people in decision-making processes based on the priorities of each location. The opportunity to be part of the value chain of the tourism sector involves them host communities, actively involved in the development process. In this way, tourism becomes a catalyst for social cohesion and goes beyond the immediate impact on job creation and positive economic consequences. Tourism contributes to improve, for example, the capacity of local governance, which further multiplies the effect of tourism. 

The official celebrations this year will be held in Guadalajara (Mexico) and will include a group of high-level reflection on the theme of 2014 Reflection Group will comprise tourism ministers, government officials and international experts in the field of tourism and development.

Message from the ONU Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, 
Occasion of World Tourism Day 
September 27th, 2014


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