Tourism Activities in Leon

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INTUR Leon Delegation of Tourism prepares promotion activities

  As part of activities to promote tourism in the department of León, the delegation of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), promote and support the month of August, various tourism activities, the most important celebration of the Chiquita Gritería August 14, traditional religious activity held since 1947. 

The delegate INTUR Teresa Ramirez Leon, said that every year Like delegation together with the Mayor's Citizen Power and government institutions join this Catholic tradition of handing Leon traditional cap, receiving thousands of León that through the streets of the metropolitan city, like dozens of tourists. 

Likewise, advocacy in this August include the resumption of Leon gatherings involving tourism entrepreneurs Peace Center and cultural examples of this Leon municipality, including craftsmen and folk and musical groups, they will bid and submit their best art. 

The gatherings will be held on Saturday 23 August nine, the square Juan José Quezada facing the majestic Cathedral of León, from nine in the morning. 

Another activity that the delegation is scheduled INTUR is an excursion on August 5 South Coast, Nagarote Township. Participate in this tour, initially Sandinista youth Youth public school of the town, as well as cabinet members Nagarote Tourism. 


Published by: INTUR
July 30th, 2014


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