French Documentary in Nicaragua

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With the support and in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), Nicaraguan Tourism Institute (INTUR), National Film and Ecological Battalion of the Army of Nicaragua "in our country are a group of French filmmakers who filming a documentary about our natural beauty and tourist destinations. 

The documentary will be part of a television series called "Guardians of Nature" which aims to show the world the natural riches of Nicaragua and highlight the rich and unique flora and fauna of the various nature reserves with which our country .. 

The interest of French for visiting Nicaragua is because our country is the only one of the Central American region to which visitors to a cinematic work of this kind, taking into account weather conditions, natural diversity and support provided by the authorities of our country. 

The Gauls filmmakers who have visited the northern, central, southern and Caribbean noted that Nicaragua is a very safe country which facilitates the presence of visitors from other countries, taking into account that during their journey through the reservation Bosawás Masaya Volcano, the Reserve and Reserve Guatusos Flower, felt very safe. 

Once filming finished, the results will be aired in February 2015 through Ushuaia TV broadcaster in France and other countries in Asia, and this is an opportunity for our country in terms of tourism promotion. 


Published by: INTUR
July 30th, 2014


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