Plate of Recognition

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INTUR delivers Plate Recognition to Lux Development Representative.

The Executive President of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), Companion Mayra Salinas delivered a plaque of appreciation to Mr. Pascal Rossignol, Regional Representative for Central America Develoment Lux, Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation, who concludes his diplomatic duties in Central America to Europe and part in another mission.

By giving recognition to Mr. Rossignol, the Minister of Tourism Mayra Salinas, expressed appreciation for the work done for the development of tourism in Nicaragua, adding that more than a Rossignol partner was a strategic ally in the fight that the government has undertaken through the INTUR for tourism development and described the working link with the under Luxembourg diplomat as very good.

The Executive President of INTUR wish him success in his new Mr. Rossignol functions in Europe and used to welcome Marc Riehl, who is the new Central American representatives of the Luxembourg Agency for Development.

Meanwhile Mr. Rossignol, expressed appreciation for having partners who provided their work, as was the case INTUR and assured that sooner or later return to Nicaragua as tourists or as part of their work, recognizing that leaves many friends.

Published by: INTUR
July 3rd, 2014


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