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CENPROMYPE holds meeting with the State Department of the United States.

Washington DC, July 11, 2014

  This day, in the framework of the official visit made ​​CENPROMYPE authorities to Washington DC, the delegation of Central America and Dominican Republic met with representatives of the State Department of the United States.

  During the meeting issues on policies and initiatives are planned for the Western Hemisphere, and the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas, the Pillar 1 focuses on empowering Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, addressed looking promote market access, modernization, technological innovation and access to financial and credit mechanisms for MSMEs.

  They also discussed the importance of expanding the SBDC model in the Americas as a development strategy for micro, small and medium enterprises, but also as an effective solution for generating opportunities for the Central American population.

  The delegation shared the progress and results of the implementation of the model in the SICA SBDC region within which the operation of 30 Care Centres MSME stands in 7 countries; more than USD 18.6 million invested in facilities between governments and private partners and academia; and more than 1.5 million in contributions from international cooperation. Through these centers has been able to generate over 9000 jobs and have increased sales by more than USD 16. 5 million in Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica.

  These results show that the commitment to extend and expand the SBDC model in SICA region is important for the economic development of countries.

Published by: Center for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises in Central.
July 11th, 2014


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