Central America ''On The Network''

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Initiative is strengthened "Central America Network", supported by the General Secretary of SICA

Through the renewal of an agreement between the satellite operator Hispasat the Association of Ibero-American Educational and Cultural Television (ATEI) and the Program for Educational and Cultural Television Iberoamericana (TEIb), the "Central Red" initiative will be strengthened, which implement the aforementioned entities supported by the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SICA) and the General Secretariat (SEGIB).

Through this agreement, Hispasat provide Internet connection between the new Central American venue of TEIb - ATEI, located at the University of Panama, and public broadcasters in the region: the National Radio and Television (SINART) of Costa Rica, Channel 10 in El Salvador, Guatemala Maya TV, Honduras National Television (TNH), Nicaragua Channel 6, the State System of Radio and Television (SERTV) of Panama and the Dominican Republic Public Television.

Hispasat also transfer four hours for the issue of satellite signal ATEI - TEIb in Europe and America. It is noteworthy that "Central America in Red" is also promoted by the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) and the Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC); latter instance SICA which serves as the Technical Secretariat in the fields of education and culture, which also promotes cooperation and integration, facilitates communication, information, decision making and exchanges between the Ministries of Education and culture of the countries of the region.

Posted by: General Secretariat of the Central American
June 16, 2014 
Integration System
Source: SG-SICA

For more information: info@sica.int


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