Russia on Nicaraguan Canal

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Russia will analize details on Nicaraguan Canal

The Russian Government will decide on participation in the construction of the Nicaraguan Canal in June 2014, after they have already studied the technical project and economic arguments.

In reported by the Russian news agency Ria Novosti statements , Minister Lavrov said they were informed about the state of things, in connection with the canal project . " Currently, the military-technical argument is prepared, this work has been completed in June. Our companies and state institutions become familiar with the document to assess whether Russia should join negotiations that companies have already begun in some countries "were the statements of Lavrov , according to Ria Novosti, would have provided the TV channel Rossiva .

Interest since 2010

The same news agency reported since 2010 Russia's interest in the project by Nicaragua canal , noting that Russian government officials assured that his government will study the proposal of Nicaragua to participate in the construction of a canal passing through the territory of Central American country to join the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

The proposal was made during a meeting between the then Russian Deputy Transport Minister Sergei Aristov , and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua , Manuel Coronel Kautz , visiting Moscow . "The consequences of the global economic crisis have not been determined yet, and therefore , we need to carefully study this project," said Aristov then.

Starts in December 2014

In January this year it was reported that the canal will begin construction no later than December 2014 , according to a press release issued and signed by President Daniel Ortega and Wang Jing, owner of the company HKND , owner of the concession.

The work, which would cost U.S. $ 40,000 million , according to official estimates , would be partially built by 2019 , and generate economic growth this year of 10.8 % , and 15 % by 2015 .

According to plans, the project includes the installation of a pipeline and a dry route two deepwater ports , two airports and two zones. It will be able to capture 416 million metric tons , equivalent to 3.9 % of the world's maritime cargo .

"Our companies and state institutions become familiar with the document to assess whether Russia should join the negotiations have started companies of some countries."

Sergei Lavrov , Russia 's foreign minister .


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