Japanese ''Peace Boat'' in Nicaragua

18:56:00 0 Comments

The " Peace Boat " Japan will berth at the Nicaraguan Port of Corinto on August 3rd, reported the first lady and coordinator of the Communication and Citizenship Council of the Sandinista Government Rosario Murillo.

This boat comes to Nicaragua and will be with us on Sunday, August 3rd at 11:00am local time in 
Port of Corinth, 150 kilometers northwest of Managua and along the Pacific Ocean, the same day he sets sail , continuing his tour of our America , "said the official to the Nicaraguan media.

The last time the " Peace Boat " from Japan came to Nicaragua was in 2012, with 950 passengers and 300 crew , and were received in Managua by the country's President , Daniel Ortega. Murillo did not say whether this time will be received by Ortega.

"We will be preparing to receive a delegation of Japanese pacifists that periodically visits our country . A recognition of our Nicaragua , where each day we celebrate , give thanks to God for the joy of living in peace " , he said.

It will be the fourth time the " Peace Boat " berth in Nicaragua . The first was in 1990 , second in 2010 and third in 2012 , according to the Japanese Embassy in Managua. The cruise is an initiative of the Japanese NGO "Peace Boat", located in Japan , created to promote peace , human rights and sustainable development.


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