BCN: Tourism Industry grows 4.7% in Nicaragua

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The Central Bank of Nicaragua reported the results of the Tourism Satellite Account of Nicaragua in 2015, with excellent results for the Nicaraguan people, with the increase of 4.7 percent in the arrival of international visitors over the previous year, reaching a total of 1,456,189 visitors.

Of the total visits, 95.2 percent are tourists who spent at least one night, 3.2 percent of cruise passengers and the remaining 1.6 percent to hikers.

The origin and route of entry into the country was 60.8 percent of Central American visitors, followed by North America with 26.1 percent and the remaining 13.1 percent from Europe, South America and other regions.

During 2015, the report said, the arrival of 44 cruise ships were attended, with a total of 46.235 visitors landed. Ports with more cruises were San Juan del Sur, followed by Corinth and Corn Island.

Tours operators services were used by 55.4 percent of cruise passengers who took the option package to meet Nicaragua, and the remaining 44.6 percent made visits on their own, according to BCN.

The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity, through the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute (INTUR) continues to promote the model of dialogue, partnership and consensus with the private sector, developing initiatives to continue supporting tourism and bring greater amount of foreign exchange to the economy Nicaragua.



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