Granada Tourism School

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Granada is getting Tourism School

Granada, Nicaragua city that attracts more foreign visitors, will soon have a school of tourism. Local authorities and businessmen in the tourism industry are finalizing details to finalize the project, which aims to educate, train and update stakeholders on issues related to tourism services.

The school is located in the old fort La Polvora, a center that has a lot of history, he said the head of the Office of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Municipality of Granada, Gretchen Gonzalez: "This is born with the idea of ​​strengthening quality service of tourism products. We not limit ourselves only to train, we now have a component called tourist culture, which is much broader. "

The academic offer is aimed at food and beverage business through waiter services, and control and food handling. Business hosting specifically in receiving techniques. They also offer classes for tourist transport business: tourism interpretation and guidance techniques. Also, no place for any tourist company to improve its profile and create a good business plan.


The school program consists of an introductory module aimed at all tourism entrepreneurs and employees who carry out their work directly or indirectly; the purpose is to guide them in basic conceptualizations. A training module for those with experience in running their business, but not with the theoretical knowledge that consolidated as micro and small entrepreneurs. Finally, a module upgrade to reinforce knowledge.

Also, the official said that the first module will start next week with coachmen, taxi drivers and owners of the municipal market eateries. "It's a training path that will guide the path of tourism. The project is inclusive and open to the public "said Gonzalez.

Published by: El Nuevo Diario
May 20th, 2015


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