What to do in Nicaragua?

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A question many of you might ask... specially on vacations!

Among islands, sea, forests, reserves, all activities you can imagine, you can experience in our adventure destinations in Nicaragua.

Thanks to the geographical wealth that has our country and its variety of microclimates are favorable to indulge in the practice of outdoor activities and adventure sports air stage.

If you are a fan of heights and like the strong challenges

Visit our Pacific Region, that comprise the departments of Chinandega, León, Managua, Masaya, Granada and Rivas, is a mountain range in finding volcanoes and mountains where you can indulge your taste for scaling the perfect cones or the slopes steeper, from Cosigüina volcano to climb to the top of the volcanoes Concepcion and Maderas, true giants with nearly perfect structure, observe the breathtaking nature, its craters and fumaroles, its micro-climates and abundant vegetación.Chinandega, for example, characterized by the department with the largest land area, this is where you start the Colonial Route and Volcano with Cosigüina volcano that offers a panoramic view of countries like Honduras and El Salvador, but the San Cristobal volcano is also imposed, the highest of Nicaragua with 1.745 meters high and its crater is 500 meters in diameter, has an almost perfect shape and form part of the Ring of Fire.

Published by: INTUR Nicaragua
Source: www.visitanicaragua.com


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google