Somoto Canyon Trip

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If you have not gone to Somoto Canyon, here you have some tips on how to reach there and costs info...

Somoto Canyon, one of the oldest rock formations in Central America, has become in recent years one of the main destinations in the north of Nicaragua, having been recently "discovered" its tourism potential. This amazing site offers a unique setting in the country, and its rocky walls can perform various tourism activities.

About 15 kilometers west of the town of Somoto, departmental capital of Madriz, is this amazing geological structure, which the locals also known as "The Estrechura" or "Namancambre".

Last week a group of folks made the trip by Carretera Panamericana/ CA-1, which lasts 3 hours and 34 minutes without traffic, covering 233km, to live a unique and unforgettable experience. Note that the journey, heavy traffic can last more than four hours, but worth doing.

Interview one of the tourists, who is from Nicaraguan origin, so that we talk a little about the experience. His name is Danilo Castillo, who has a degree in Managerial Economics and works for a reputable financial institution in our country.

'' It's a very nice experience,  I had already heard and seen some photos of Somoto Canyon but seeing it in person and be here with my colleagues, is something special. The tour guides offered three types of travel; short, the mid and long. We take medium, which lasts for three hours. We wanted to take the long however, lasts 5 hours and due to time, we could not. The trip cost per person is C$ 250  which I did not consider expensive. I invite you to visit it whever you have a chance, or when you are on vacations, as I said earlier, it is a unique experience. ''

Photos taken by: Danilo Castillo
April 25th, 2015


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google