Christmas Toys Available

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Christmas items and toys available at ''Mercado Oriental''

Toys for boys and girls, trees, lights and other Christmas decorations continue ofertándose favorable price for Nicaraguan families in the Eastern Market, where traders await with great deals and variety of products.

For families who have not yet created the Christmas atmosphere in their homes in this crowded shopping center you will find a range of lights and varieties of trees and decorations that help give that special touch in homes during the holidays last year.

"We have several varieties of products, and we have lights ornaments. In the ornaments have different sizes like the angels that the package of three costs C $ 140.00, the ribbons in different colors to C $ 50.00 unit, the lights have them in LED that are thrifty and pack 100 lights cost six dollars the 140 lights to C $ 200.00 "said Guadalupe Espinoza Hernandez.

Espinoza stated that provides the play of light in different styles and sizes, as well as other products such as LED lights hoses outside having a value of C $ 450.00 and rice at a cost of C $ 140.00 game 100.

"We have trees with lights integrated costing C $ 17,300.00 the largest and the smallest to C $ 4,500.00, normal trees have them up from C $ 190.00 C $ 13,500.00" said Espinoza Hernandez.

Elizabeth Lopez also offers variety of toys at low prices ranging from C $ 50.00 to C $ 500.00, products including dump trucks, dolls Barbie style, action figures, skates and even teaching.

Published by: El 19
December 16th, 2014


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