Christmas Nicaraguan Options

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Christmas, time for family tourism...

Relax. The Christmas and New Year invite Nicaraguan families to visit the departments, stimulating domestic tourism.

The year-end holidays offer the opportunity Nicaraguan scroll through the regions where various attractions of sun and beach, ecotourism, rural tourism and adventure there, among other options to enjoy family this season, according to authorities industry.
The dynamism in this season live the tourism sector, creates a ripple effect in other areas of the economy, said Mayra Salinas, executive president of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, Intur.

"Any activity promotion and rescue of traditions generates a dynamic, because the population moves from one place to another, consume, plus there spending because hotels are concerned. That generates occupation carriers actually all these activities generate a profit both locally and nationally, "said Salinas.

The country could bill about $ 50 million in tourism during the Christmas holidays and New Year, said at the time Leonardo Torres, president of the Nicaraguan Chamber of Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises, Cantur.

To meet the demand of tourists at this time of year, the country has 900 hotel facilities throughout the country, which have 12,000 rooms and 20,000 beds.

At this time of year, vacation leave 160,000 state workers and about 540,000 private sector.


It is expected, according to tourism officials, that this season into the country 150,000 visitors through the various border posts.

In November, entered the country 47.280 international visitors by Augusto C. Sandino Airport, representing an increase of 3.8% over the same month in 2013, when 45.515 passengers were counted.

Until last October had already arrived a million tourists, as reported at the time the executive president of Intur.

Official figures from Intur realize the arrival of 1.23 million tourists, who left the currency nation by US $ 417 million in 2013.

For its part, Nicaragua expects to bill this year about $ 440 million in foreign exchange from tourism and receive 1.31 million tourists, according to projections by tourism authorities.

Lonely Planet, one of the largest publishers of travel guides in the world, started to Nicaragua in fourth place among the top ten selected to travel in 2015 countries.

El Nuevo Diario remember a few sights that can be visited on this holiday.


San Juan del Sur resort town that attracts Rivas department for its beautiful beaches of fresh water. The destination, ideal for surfing, is about 140 kilometers from the capital and connect with other destinations for sun and beach, where you can see beautiful sunsets.

Granada, colonial city. Of great interest for its history and tourist quality. Central Park is a landmark where you can find crafts and food as vigorón and music. From here you can direct the Islets of Granada or walk to see old colonial buildings.


Leon and its attractions. Considered one of the most important cities in the country, offers a range of options like beaches in the Pacific. The elegant city center like for its colonial architecture, and features museums and art galleries, but the more daring can go sandboarding in the Black Mountain volcano.


The city of folklore. A 28 km from the capital is Masaya, city full of history, culture, dances and traditions. In the craft market you can find variety of items. Connect with white people as Catarina, San Juan de Oriente, Niquinohomo, Masatepe and Nandasmo.


Pochomil. It is one of the beaches closest Pacific Managua, takes over an hour to reach this tourist spot that has a varied infrastructure of restaurants, bars and hotels, where service providers are prepared to welcome families in this holiday season.


Corn Island is a municipality in the Autonomous Region of the Southern Caribbean. On the island, have developed new hotel concepts to receive tourists with high purchasing power. Its beaches with turquoise waters and white sands invite developing sustainable tourism for its fragile ecosystem.


Esteli and beautiful landscapes. The city is characterized by a busy center of commerce and services. It has many natural beauties, including the nature reserve Tisey-La Estanzuela, where you can visit sites of indigenous heritages. In the peripheral area you can make a tour in tobacco companies.

The route of Matagalpa. Part of the so-called Ruta del Café, and when traveling to this city can learn all about the cultivation and harvesting of coffee. In addition you can enjoy activities such as ecotourism, rural tourism, adventure tourism and trekking for its natural beauty.

A trip to Ometepe. The island currently connects airway Managua, and in turn, you can get away from the port of San Jorge aboard a ferry to reach this paradise world class. The ecological reserve Charco Verde, Concepción, the Ojo de Agua and Route Museum volcano are its attractions.


Managua, a new face. And for those not wishing to leave the capital, they can address any vessel leaving the port "Salvador Allende" and take a walk around the lake Xolotlán. This is one of the options offered by the new face of the capital, near the Paseo Xolotlán and park "Luis Alfonso Velasquez".

Published by: El Nuevo Diario
December 24th, 2014


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