Nicaraguan Tourism Investment

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One million tourists received so far this year

Investments; Nicaragua hopes to attract more investment next year 2015 due to the construction of new hotels.

Nicaragua, with a steadily growing tourism industry, received up to September this year 965.369 visitors, which is giving guideline to new hotel investments, said yesterday the executive president of the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute, Intur, Mayra Salinas, after stating that "the October 21 probably spent a million tourists. "

Mayra Salinas, CEO INTUR

This represents an increase of 7.1% compared to the same season of 2013, which means that between January and September this year reached 64,063 more tourists to Nicaragua, Salinas said. 

At the rally that is taking the country with tourist arrivals hotel investments are also added. 

"The tourism industry continues to grow, we are very optimistic of achieving the target of 1.3 million (...), the tourism industry continues to grow (and) continue working on the issue of quality, keep pushing activities like this that come to contribute to the tourism sector remains attractive, "said Salinas. 

The departments of León, Managua, Rivas, Bluefields and the Autonomous Region of the Northern Caribbean are areas where new hotel construction have made this year to meet the country's demand. 

Investments approved by the Board Incentive Intur for 11 new construction is $ 32 million, Salinas said. 

"We have doubled the hotel capacity in the country in seven years, because we already have 873 establishments and 11,800 rooms when we close the 2013 (...), this is an ongoing dynamic in the Board of Incentives", said the official Government. 

In 2007 the country had just 406 hotel establishments, according to statistics from Intur. 

This institution has projected to generate $ 440 million in foreign exchange from tourism. 


For Sylvia Levy, president of the National Chamber of Tourism of Nicaragua, Canatur growth of hotels in the country is an important guideline considering that the country is making its way to major events such as the Central America Travel Market fair, CATM. 

"That does not mean we're going to give up, we need more hotels, more choice, we need more rooms, next year will be an amazing takeoff because CATM is Fenitur and 2015," said Levy. 

Meanwhile, Alvaro Dieguez, president of the Hotel Association of Nicaragua, Ashotnic said that new chains interested in investing in the country. 

"The Marriott has been with great interest with its brands they have, I understand that there is another chain Cameroon who came to the country to see possibilities of a beach hotel and I imagine that other brands are also interested in seeing the future of Nicaragua for future investment, "forward Dieguez. 

"We are optimistic of achieving the goal we had set (...), come over the finish we had." 

Mayra Salinas, CEO INTUR

Published by: El Nuevo Diario
Source: El Nuevo Diario Online
October 22nd, 2014


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