National Police Training

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INTUR empowers the National Police in tourism issues

Twenty officers of the National Police and Transit directions Brigade Patrol and Surveillance Managua, are being trained by the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) on issues Tourist Culture and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation in Children and teens in order to sensitize the tourist police in the care and safety to tourists and most vulnerable sectors. 

INTUR has set a goal, train in 2014 about 500 thousand national police officers. In the coming days Chontales police officers, Masaya, Jinotega, Matagalpa and Esteli will be trained by INTUR tourism issues in order that the tourist police provide better service to domestic and foreign tourists said Commissioner Janneth Largaespada. 

With this training, added the Commissioner Largaespada, we also hope that members of the National Police working with the specialty of the Tourist Police provide better service to tourists where they are mobilized. 

Members of the National Police this year receive training on tourism issues by the INTUR are 500 thousand throughout the national territory, of which one thousand 150 and received various types of training the police chief said. 


Published by: INTUR
October 16th, 2014


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