Entrepreneurs Tour Managua

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Small and medium Managuan Entrepreneur Tourists  received Modernize Quality Seals

The Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) delivered in the department of Managua Certificate Program Streamlines Quality Management Distinctive Moderniza, 16 small and medium tourism enterprises hospitality of the capital. Representatives of 16 small and medium-sized hotels were trained and successfully completed their course, after 12 months of counseling by consultants INTUR and received their certificates and Modernize that are valid for one year. 

The entrepreneurs and who received their Certificates Moderniza, thanked INTUR boost in this department, the successful program Streamlines Quality Management since its implementation, has assured them the quality care and service to its customers, thus maintaining standards pointing Moderniza seal. 

Erica Morales, owner of Hotel Los Pinos, said he was pleased with the achievements of the program Streamlines as it has maintained the quality of their services and customer traffic and tourists has increased after you implement the techniques the program Streamlines. At the same time thanked and congratulated INTUR boost this type of program quality in the hotel sector in Managua. 

In these terms, the Director of Services and Protection of Tourists INTUR Companion Aurora Acuña said that this program is to support tourism enterprises, as inserted into modernity and competitiveness, adding that this program enables empresari @ s @ s tourist and his staff, but also verify the application of the techniques in their business to improve quality, management and services. 

For his part, the president of HOPEN, licensed Ximena Gurdián thanked INTUR to cater to companies affiliated HOPEN and commended its members for the interest shown in this program quality, because they gave their all to stay in this program until the end.

Published by: INTUR
October 24th, 2014


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