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Nicaragua among the top ten destinations to visit in 2015

Tourism experts Lonely Planet placed Nicaragua in the fourth place of the top ten selected to travel to 2015 countries. 

Of the ten selected countries, Nicaragua sits in fourth place with the theme "luxury ecotourism". When placing fourth in Nicaragua, Lonely Planet recommended hotel in Nicaragua in Yemaya Island Resort, located in Little Corn Island is a brand new tourist destination. 

Nicaragua was selected states Lonely Plante as "an alternative to Costa Rica" for 2015 for its stunning wildlife, jungles and rivers, repeating the Nicaraguan tourism opportunities, adding that Yemaya Island Hideaway and Spa, in the little Corn Island is a luxurious haven of peace and an emerging luxury ecotourism destination. Also recommended for travelers with a variety of gourmet style restaurants that have transformed the city of Managua, adding that this city was once a city of passage, now is a gastronomic destinations to discover. 

Lonely Planet each year has reduced collection of tourist destinations in the countries of the world that are on promotion or offer a range of destinations and special celebrations throughout the year makes it a unique place on the planet. 

Among the countries that stand recommended to travel Singapore, Namibia, Lithuania, Nicaragua and Ireland among others. 


Published by: INTUR
October 22nd, 2014


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