2014 Nicaragua Diseña a real success

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7,000 people attended the successful 2014 Event Design Nicaragua.

The third edition of Design Nicaragua, like the two previous editions turned out to be a success, the number of people, about seven thousand, visited the convention center Crowne Plaza just last weekend and sales performed designers branches leather, footwear, jewelery, lighting and visual arts, media and photography. 

The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity and institutions of this government, said the Executive President of INTUR, Mayra Salinas partner, we are very pleased to have been extremely successful with the third edition of the biggest design event in Central America. 

The Salinas Minister said that all participants in Nicaragua Design are invited to participate in the fourth edition of this event next year. 

In this edition of Design Nicaragua was attended by leading figures such as renowned fashion editor Sara Galindo; of Mexico, the actor Isaac Reyes, a group of bloggers recognized Central Publishing couture issues and tourism. 

In addition to representatives of the Women's Siempre Mujer Magazine, Cosmopolitan and Hello America! Central. 

During the opening ceremony the renowned fashion designer Shantal Lacayo, once expressed his gratitude to the government and INTUR, by supporting decide to realize Nicaragua designs, only this government have made this dream a reality, he concluded.

Published by: INTUR
October 6th, 2014


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