10 Reasons to come to Nicaragua

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1 CULTURE: Nicaragua is part of the most important historical legacy in the Americas, is the mix of life, peace and multiethnic nature, which is full of colonial cultures and fabulous natural sights, cultural treasures and beautiful places that make it a paradise for backpackers and photographers worldwide. 

2 VALUE: Nicaragua is the sixth cheapest country in the world! and in the tourist development makes the ultimate destination to come and spend a dream vacation without spending much. 

3 LOCATION: Located strategically in the heart of the American continent, only two hours by air and three days by sea to ports on both coasts of the United States, Mexico and South America. This makes it an excellent place to invest and do business. 

4 CLIMATE: Climate spring all year round in central and peaceful country, including cold areas; still unspoiled and breathtaking mountains make it a wonderful destination to explore and beaches filled with Nature. 

5. RESORTS: Being surrounded by water, Nicaragua has fantastic resorts that accommodate all preferences including prices and luxury as already recognized mukul where they have hosted stars such as Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta Jones and Morgan Freeman among others. There are beautiful to relax or hang out of pure fun beaches. 

6 SIZE: It is the largest country in Central possessing small and intimate, perfect for a short stay in each and stroll through romantic places or adventure with friends or family, with a lively cafe culture and city life night that make it the most vibrant in the region. 

7 VARIETY: an incredible variety of tourist attractions are offered, from colonial towns to such romantic places for a dream getaway, sandboarding in an active volcano or in the Nicaraguan Pacific destination number 1 for professional surfers.

8 DINING: Recognized in the region for being some of the most picturesque and varied proposals find delicious food and drinks from the most exotic and standard in luxury establishments or on the way to your adventure. Wherever you go the Nicaraguan food is part of the folklore, delicious insurance proposal will love. From the rich baho the nacatamal ... vigorón of Granada and the traditional gallo pinto which is part of the local diet. 

9 SAFETY: It is the safest in Latin America according to the United Nations Program for Development country because the crime rate is one of the lowest in the region, the National Police and the military are two organs that have been awarded by its extreme efficiency in the fight against organized crime. 

10 ITS PEOPLE: The Nicaraguan people are, traditionally hospitable warmth, we love to receive and treat "at home" to all our visitors, we are happy and chileros by nature workers and eager to welcome you to this country that is also yours.

Published by: 360Nicaragua
Source: Blog 360Nicaragua.com
June 29th, 2014


Amante de la vida, creyente en un Dios Todo Poderoso he’s Hombre de Familia, Amigo, Hijo, Esposo’ Blogger Profesional’Sports Analyst. Google