Training in Granada

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INTUR trains Granada Rural's MIPYMES

The Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) through the Colonial Route and Volcanoes supported by the Cooperation of the European Union, closed the first round of training in kitchen which benefits 25 members making tourism SMMEs rural municipalities Diriá, Diriomo and Nandaime, Granada Department. 

The cooking course aims to MSMEs in rural areas learn to handling raw foods and stored until they are served. 

The training received mics tourism operators handling and cooked seafood, as well as the variety of sauces that can be combined with seafood. 

In this project supported by the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism through the Colonial Route project and Volcanoes 10 courses were given in the qualification of cuisine's beneficiaries initiatives rural and community tourism in the municipalities of Diriomo. And Nandaime say, and part of the vocational training program aimed at rural tourism SMMEs Pacific region. 

Maria de los Angeles Norori beneficiary of the Shire Los Norteños welcomed the interest of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity in train and stated that this course by which we have not had to pay a cordoba and economic support they have given us different tourism entrepreneurs is another achievement that have earned because they have now learned to better serve tourists visiting our cooperative, within the services we offer you accommodation in our own homes, tours horses, night tours, bird sightings and food service is also provided in our houses. 


Published by: INTUR
September 3rd, 2014


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