Fishing in Rio San Juan

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Nicaragua Mia conducted 54th successful edition of the International Fishing Tournament in Rio San Juan.

First-time participants in the International Fishing Tournament Rio San Juan, which took place between 13 and 14 September, edition number 54, released the actual fishermen who drew the river shad, then measure them all, under the new rules of this contest sport fishing, which attracts competitors from Central America and the United States along with Nicaraguans. 

This time more than 130 fishermen were given the task to catch as many fish including real shad, marsh, machaca and snook were among others. In this 54th International Fishing Tournament the Guatemalan Luis Franco won the First Place by accumulating 50 points with 2 shad in the new form of catch and release. Second and third place went to Costa Ricans and Eduardo Valverde Elizondo Mauricio Rodriguez Morice. 

  The new form of the tournament was endorsed by participants. The Nicaraguan Alfonso said Hanno and release fishing tarpon, that from this year the Committee implements the sporting event is aimed to preserve this species, which he called correct and appreciated that the tournament was very well organized why hopes to continue participating in the upcoming sporting events. 

Meanwhile, the Guatemalan Rodolfo Roulet, said the San Juan River is beautiful and spectacular and Nicaraguans have it neat. This is my third appearance in this tournament, Chapin said the fisherman. 

While the American Michael White said the best fishing in the river San Juan is its nature and Nicaraguans who are hospitable. Both me like Nicaragua, said White, who will invite my friends to come to Nicaragua to fish, especially at San Juan, the fishing is good here said this fisherman, native American state of Ohio. 

During the first day, the young Costa Rican Zinedine Rodriguez and his father Alan Rodriguez fought hours with a real shad, about 150 pounds, which in the end could not get it out of the upload to the boat river and then release it to make the 25 point. Both father and son said they were tired and a little frustrated at not being able to fish for tarpon. 

Along with the 54th International Fishing Tournament Rio San Juan gastronomic and handicraft fair INTUR prepared with the support of the Mayor of San Carlos Citizen Power developed. This activity helped boost the economy in the department of Río San Juan especially the tourist destinations of San Carlos, Chad Solentiname Boca and El Castillo, said the mayor of San Carlos, Johnny Gutierrez. 

Also various artistic performances that stood between the singer-songwriter originally from San Carlos, Diego Aguirre, the group Rockonola, Shorty clown, who performed for older children as well as local artists and developed. 


Published by: INTUR
September 17th, 2014


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