Expometepe in Ometepe

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Ometepe will stage World Tourism Day and Expometepe.

Everything is ready for the INTUR supported by the mayors of Citizen Power Moyogalpa and Altagracia conducted on 27 and 28 September, the V edition of the Expo Ometepe Fair, with the participation of 120 artisans and both Ometepe the departments of Masaya, Granada, Rivas and Solentiname Esteli and Matagalpa. 

The Expo is a celebration Ometepe made ​​by the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity through INTUR time the fourth anniversary of the appointment of Ometepe as biosphere reserve by UNESCO met. This year the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute also held on 27 September World Tourism Day. Ometepe Expo this year will take place in the area of ​​Central Park Altagracia. 

As part of this celebration, is scheduled INTUR keynote lectures by leading experts on environmental issues, to be attended by over a hundred students studying Tourism universities Managua and Rivas, the Head of National Promotion reported INTUR mate Felix Sanchez. As part of the Expo Ometepe, kayak competition in already enrolled more than 70 participants will take place. 

For his part, Mayor of Altagracia, mate Orlando Meza said that one of the novelties of the Expo Ometepe is the newly opened butterfly. Besides visiting the fair, explained Meza mate who reach Ometepe can visit the various tourist destinations that owns the island, including the beaches, hiking, as well as scale the Madera volcano from the summit of which is taanto a wonderful view of the island and the lake Nicaragua. 

As the coordinator of Ometepe tourism cabinet, Ruben Rivera said the fair helps boost the economy of the island and the people who visit us will have various options to meet her. 

As part of the fair, said the head of National Promotion INTUR foreign, and domestic tourists as well as residents of Ometepe can enjoy various cultural performances enlivened by renowned musical ensembles, national singers, clowns, ballet and folk troupes. 


Published by: INTUR
September 19th, 2014


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